M agazine West Allegheny Edition Volume 22, Issue 129 December 2020/January 2021 FREE Direct Mail Community Publication Allegheny West Serving Findlay, North Fayette, Oakdale, Sturgeon and McDonald in the West Allegheny School District One of 4 editions serving 17 airport area communities www.awmagazine.com West Allegheny School District Official Newsletter Inside Page 29 New dates set for WA Hall of Fame banquets Findlay and North Fayette host Shop with a Cop programs RMU lends expertise to local pet owner Remember When? McDonald’s Livingston brothersSAFER KINDER FASTER DON’T DELAY EMERGENCY CARE Emergencies happen even in uncertain times. Don’t risk your health by putting off needed medical care, especially when you have access to the region’s only hospital to be awarded an ‘A’ grade for patient safety for more than 8 consecutive years. Our emergency room utilizes the latest protocols to get you well — and keep you safe — so that the healing starts the second you arrive, all at a hospital that’s a national leader in patient satisfaction. So don’t wait. Get the care you need now. Safer, kinder, faster. 1000 BOWER HILL ROAD • MT. LEBANON, PA 15243 • 412.942.4000 • STCLAIR.ORGDecember 2020/January 2021 • www.awmagazine.com • 3Now in Our 22 nd Year Proudly Serving the Airport Area P. O. Box 220, McDonald, PA 15057 Phone: 724.673.3161 E-Mail: info@awmagazine.com www.awmagazine.com PUBLISHER AND EDITOR Doug Hughey WRITERS Jill Bordo Jocelyn Grecko Pat Jennette GRAPHIC DESIGN Sarah Kizina WEBMASTER www.ddswebdesign.com CONTRIBUTORS Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce, Findlay Township, North Fayette Township Oakdale Borough, McDonald Borough, West Allegheny School District, Western Allegheny Community Library, Erma Dodd, Barb Kleyman FOUNDING PUBLISHER Pat Jennette WE PROUDLY SPONSOR AND SUPPORT: A variety of community, school, and nonprofit organizations in our coverage areas of Cornell, Moon, Montour, and West Allegheny. We are committed to recycling our used and leftover products. We encourage our readers to be responsible and dispose of this magazine when finished enjoying it. Consider passing it along to someone else, or placing it in your neighborhood recycling bins. Thank you in advance for doing your part for our earth. Hughey Publications, LLC also publishes the Moon Edition of Allegheny West Magazine, the Montour Edition of Allegheny West Magazine, and the Cornell Edition of Allegheny West Magazine. Allegheny West Magazine MEMBER @AlleghenyWest “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME” Allegheny West Magazine - West Allegheny Edition, is an all positive, good news publication mailed free into the homes and businesses of the West Allegheny School District communities of Findlay, North Fayette, Oakdale, Sturgeon, and McDonald to connect communities, promote people, heighten awareness about the richness of the airport region, and build pride in the western suburbs of Allegheny County. Doug Hughey, Publisher/Editor Dear Readers, I’d like to start out this message by thanking all of the West Allegheny elementary students who participated in our annual holiday coloring contest. Once again, we asked elementary students to design the cover of our December edition and they did not disappoint. We chose one for our cover and a few from each grade to print on our centerfold on pages 24 and 25. In this edition as well we’re keeping another holiday tradition going with our holiday guide, which starts on page 34. In addition to our rundown of local happenings, we’re also listing winter day trip ideas. We put this guide together with an eye on social distancing and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Check it out and be sure to take it with you using our interactive app, AWMag Events. Download it using the link on our website at awmagazine. com. We’ll be posting changes to any events listed in our app as well. On page 10 of this edition, we’re bringing you a recap of 2020’s West Allegheny Athletic Hall of Fame nominees. The hall of fame’s annual banquet that it holds to honor these inductees was cancelled earlier this year due to COVID-19 but has since been rescheduled. A time frame for the banquet honoring the class of 2021 has also been set. On page 14, read about how students and faculty at Robert Morris University have been helping a local pet owner and, on page 22, take a look back at the famous Livingston brothers and their local roots. On page 12, we take a look at two local police departments’ Shop with a Cop programs, which each year provide local children with a special day around Christmastime. Then, on page 29, get caught up on the latest happenings at West Allegheny School District. Look for our next edition in February. Until then, have a safe and joyous holiday season. From the Publisher 4 • Allegheny West Magazine • December 2020/January 2021West Allegheny Edition ~ December 2020/January 2021 Volume 22, No. 129 Locally Sourced Around Your Town Western Allegheny Comm. Lib. Legislative Update Your Schools Penned by Erma Chamberlink 8 12 17 20 26 44 46 { } Contents - - - - - - - 10 12 14 22 24 29 34 Columns - - - - - - - We asked West Allegheny elementary students to design the cover of our December edition. We chose one submission for our cover and printed a handful of others from each grade on our centerfold (see page 24). This drawing was created by fifth-grader Levi Frey. We liked Levi’s bold colors, strong lines and attention to detail. ABOUT THE COVER Allegheny West Magazine-West Allegheny Edition is published in February, April, June, August, October, and December, six issues a year, Hughey Publications, LLC, P. O. Box 220, McDonald, PA 15057. Mailed and distributed free to residents and businesses in Findlay, North Fayette, Oakdale, Sturgeon, a portion of McDonald, and adjacent areas. Extra copies available at municipal offices, schools, libraries, stores, advertisers, hotels, and businesses. Available by mail subscription for $15 annually. Story ideas welcomed. Community events and announcements from non-profit groups must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publishing date. Announcements are limited to 30 words and must include a contact phone number. Reproduction of any artwork, photographs, or copy prepared by Allegheny West Magazine is strictly prohibited without written consent of Hughey Publications, LLC. Copyright 1999-2020 Allegheny West Magazine. All rights reserved. Views and opinions expressed by contributors and/or advertisers are the responsibility of the contributors and not those of the publisher of Allegheny West Magazine. Correction: In the August West Allegheny edition of Allegheny West Magazine, the “Remember When?” article “Montour Farm: Recently razed barns spur memories of a once vibrant Findlay farm” incorrectly stated that Mary McCune passed away in the late 1950s from cirrhosis of the liver. In fact, McCune passed away in 1961 from cancer. She was 58. Fresh snow covers a field in Findlay Township in this photo taken in 2019. PHOTO BY DOUG HUGHEY December 2020/January 2021 • www.awmagazine.com • 5 New dates set for WA Hall of Fame banquets Findlay and North Fayette hosting Shop with a Cop programs RMU lends expertise to local pet owner Remember When? McDonald’s Livingston brothers Elementary Holiday Coloring Contest WA Today Holiday Happenings Guide Download our FREE events app on the app stores or at awmagazine.com Heritage Valley Health Heritage Valley Health The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) announced that Heritage Valley Health System has earned 2020 CHIME Digital Health Most Wired recognition for Acute and Ambulatory Care. The CHIME Digital Health Most Wired program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively healthcare organizations apply core and advanced technologies into their clinical and business programs to improve health and care in their communities. “We are honored to be recognized by CHIME as a Most Wired health system in both Acute and Ambulatory categories,” said Jon Zagorski, Chief Information Officer at Heritage Valley Health System. “Heritage Valley’s Board of Directors is committed to an annual investment in information technology. This has enabled us to provide physicians and caregivers with state-of-the-art technology that supports our mission to improve the health and well- being of all people in the communities we serve.” A total of 30,091 organizations were represented in the 2020 Digital Health Most Wired program, which this year included four separate surveys: domestic, ambulatory, long-term care and international. The surveys assessed the adoption, integration and impact of technologies in healthcare organizations at all stages of development, from early development to industry leading. Heritage Valley earns CHIME Digital Health Most Wired recognition 6 • Allegheny West Magazine • December 2020/January 2021Heritage Valley Health Heritage Valley Health December 2020/January 2021 • www.awmagazine.com • 7%Locally SourcedLocally Sourced Clearview Federal Credit Union and Robert Morris University Athletics have announced that Colonials Arena will now be Clearview Arena, as part of Clearview’s role as the official credit union of RMU Athletics. The deal will see updated logos, marquee and signage in traditional areas such as the main rink. Clearview Arena at the Island Sports Center will showcase Clearview’s commitment to RMU Athletics and the Colonials family. Clearview’s name will appear on scoreboards, entrance doors, Zamboni, walkways and more. RMU Island Sports Center opened in 1998 and was purchased by RMU in 2004. The sports center is the region’s premier sports and recreation destination and is located a short distance from downtown Pittsburgh. The 32-acre facility includes two indoor ice arenas, outdoor multi-purpose rinks, indoor driving range and sports dome, athletic track and field, pro shop, and bistro. The arena is home to the RMU men’s and women’s hockey, cross country, track and field, and rowing programs. Over 600,000 people visit the Island Sports Center annually, and Clearview is excited for the opportunity to connect with the community that makes RMU Athletics so special. “We are excited about the opportunity this partnership gives us,” said Ron Celaschi, CEO of Clearview. “Our commitment to western Pennsylvania, and to the health and education of our youth is demonstrated through this partnership with RMU. We are proud to be part of this extraordinary university and its outstanding facilities.” “We are thrilled to expand our relationship with Clearview Federal Credit Union as the official credit union of RMU Athletics and proud to announce that Colonials Arena will now be the Clearview Arena,” said Chris King, RMU Vice President and Director of Athletics. “The Clearview Federal Credit Union brand mirrors the excellence that Robert Morris University and RMU athletics is known for, and we truly wanted a partner who is identified within the Pittsburgh region and involved in the local community. We are grateful to RMU’s Institutional Advancement team for bringing this premier partnership together.” Clearview FCU announces Robert Morris Arena partnership Clearview Federal Credit Union hosted its 34th annual golf outing featuring the “Tee It Up for Charity” contest to benefit Pittsburgh area nonprofit organizations Aug. 29. The contest asked for a one-minute video submission by various charities featuring a heartfelt description of their mission. The top 10 videos were voted on virtually by Clearview members and the public over a 10-day period. The two-day golf outing was held at Beaver Valley Golf Club and netted a total of $10,000, of which $5,000 will support of Hair Peace Charities, the winner of the “Tee It Up for Charity” contest, as well as the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, one of Clearview’s charitable partners. Hair Peace Charities, founded by Bonny Diver, helps women and girls living in Western Pennsylvania with financial assistance to purchase a wig needed due to cancer. Hair Peace also offers cancer-fighting information, encouragement, and faith with support groups. Checks were presented at the golf outing. “We are so happy we were able to safely hold our annual golf outing under the circumstances. I am so pleased we are able to continue to support our communities and I am already looking forward to next year’s outing,” said Ron Celaschi, CEO of Clearview. Clearview raises $10,000 for local charities CONTENT SUBMITTED Clearview CEO Ron Celaschi pictured with Greater Pittsburgh Community food BankVP for Marketing and Communications, Brian Gulish Read and share stories from Allegheny West Magazine! Current and back issues can be read at AWMagazine.com. Copy the URL from individual pages and then share via email and on social media. 8 • Allegheny West Magazine • December 2020/January 2021December 2020/January 2021 • www.awmagazine.com • 9Next >